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Citrine Gems

We have recently acquired through the Casa about 30 pieces of fancy cut citrine gems.  The gems are AAA quality color, and are completely natural with no heat treatment or irradiation.  Each gem holds a powerful charge from the Casa entities.  You can order from this authorized website:


Oval Cut, 26x17mm, gem.
Pear cut, 28x17mm, unset gem
Oval Cut, 28x22mm, gem
Pear cut, 30x20mm gem
Oval Cut, 20x16mm, gem.
Oval Cut, 22x16mm, gem.
Oval Cut, 19x14mm, gem.
Square Cut, 22x18mm gem
Pendant, Pear Cut Citrine, 28x17
Pendant, Square Cut, 22x18mm gem
Pendant, Oval Cut, 19x14mm, gem.